Silhouette Against An Artsy Sky


Do you ever look up and the sky looks like one vast, endless canvass covered in the most amazing art? For me, that’s like an everyday, phenomenon. Everyday, the sky looks like a new painting; some more beautiful and causing deeper feelings than others previous or subsequent. Today’s sky was a bright blue, white and grey masterpiece, a sight to be savored; to be captured for future enjoyment, the silhouette of the building and tree only adding to the elements that made this artwork all the more beautiful. And capture it, I did. In my own small manner, I captured the beautiful vastness of an artsy sky over Lagos.

Alone, Far And Away.


Being alone isn’t always a bad thing. I love my alone moments when I have a great view to look upon, silence to accompany me on my thought journey and a gentle breeze to keep me cool. Of course, I’m not the one in the picture (I couldn’t be if I took the picture too!) but where I took it from, in spite of my dizzying fear of heights(!), gave me the same experience: pleasant silence, a great view from above a spreading tree laden with leaves and flowers, and a gentle breeze and for that moment I could stop and think: life has its great moments. That certainly was one of them.

Lower Up


It’s always amazing how perspective changes when you’re looking from down up. Some of my better pictures have been taken from a lower point and it just puts things above in higher relief and makes me realize just how intricately beautiful the things we walk on, the things we ignore are. And it also makes me notice things I have always missed – like the space between the slabs and it reinforces the viewpoint that there is beauty in all views.

Don’t just like! Feel free to tell me what you think in the comments box below!

Branching Out


Whenever I see this tree, I just feel like stopping and throwing my arms wide like it seems to be doing. It’s isolated and yet commands a presence, even without a mass of leaves on it’s numerous branches. It seems like one can see each individual branch rising, spreading, stretching….
Branching out further…..